By John Beatty -
Coast Liberty" Sept. 2007
Americans, our nation
is in great danger. No, the big threat is not terrorists
from the Middle East. The source of danger to our lives,
our freedom, and our way of life is our own complacency
– our willingness to be led. In the Declaration of
Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote:
“All experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed
to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves
by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
Patriots who try to awaken their fellow Americans to the
genuine danger confronting our country are most often met
with blasé or even hostile attitudes.
You ask, “What’s the beef?” Jefferson
has an answer:
"The issue today is the same as it has been throughout
all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself
or be ruled by a small elite."
We, as a people, have been hypnotized into complacency by
the mainstream media, corporate owned and controlled, and
by all three branches of government. We simply stand idle
as the Establishment destroys our republic – right
before our very eyes. Habeas Corpus, or protection against
unlawful detention, was once well-established Law of the
Land dating back to the Magna Charta. No more. Ye old guarantee
of Habeas Corpus was destroyed with a swipe of our President’s
pen! Alas, so goes privacy laws, protection from illegal
search and seizure, political free speech and the right
to an attorney
– all our rights, just whisked away. Nary a whimper
from the mainstream media. Where is the outcry and outrage
from our citizens?
Our Presidents subvert the Constitution and Rule of Law.
Presidents create de facto law using "signing statements"
and “Executive Orders", thereby subverting the
legitimate power of Congress. President Bush even fed Americans
false evidence, and thereby misled us into the Iraq War.
Congress relinquished its power to control the President
almost unanimously. Even the basic electoral process is
suspect since most voting machines have no paper trail.
Did you read George Orwell’s novel "1984"?
Surveillance cameras are everywhere. Federal ID cards appear
to be coming, and they may soon want to insert tracking
devices into the bodies of humans as government currently
requires for farm animals per the National Animal ID System.
When did Americans sign up for such tyranny?
Here is the truth as I see it: the Establishment has been
busy working on a grand scheme, their long-term vision,
and they deliberately hide that vision from their stockholders
– the American people. Instead, politicians manipulate
American public opinions via
mainstream media, so we become acclimated to accept their
long-term vision. This stealth
is judged to be necessary since the Establishment knows
that Americans would arise in
angry protest if, for example, the President were to broadcast
this long-term vision on national TV.
Don’t take my word for it, but instead do your own
reading. Traces of the Establishment’s long-term vision
are visible ... but, you won’t hear the mainstream
media ringing a bell to announce it. Their members pride
themselves on their ability to manipulate while they distract
us from seeing the facts - like lambs to the slaughter.
Americans, who value life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,
should investigate these think tanks and global agencies.
Study their member lists. You will be startled to find this
treachery is bipartisan. In this fight for the sovereignty
of our great nation, may our creator protect us and our
families if we fail!
Research these Establishment organizations:
CFR - Council on Foreign Relations
PNAC - Project for a New American Century
TLC - Trilateral Commission
SPPP - Security and Prosperity Partnership
FTAA - Free Trade Area of the Americas
TTC - Trans Texas Corridor
Nafta Super Highway
NAU - North American Union
NWO - New World Order
Read their mission statements. Consider their plans. To
me, the truth has become all too clear. The Establishment
plans to make United States constitutional sovereignty subordinate
to a new North American Union, and that will be modeled
after the European Union. In this new NAU, the New World
Order controlled by the political elite, citizens will be
denied their God-given unalienable rights, and politicians
will have no enforceable limits on their powers.
"Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under
which weak minds are severely crouched. Fix reason firmly
in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every
opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a
God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the
homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear."
-Thomas Jefferson
Americans, please awaken and seek the Truth! Now is the
time for political action!